Quantum computation promises to revolutionize information processing by exploiting the massive parallelism inherent in the coherent superposition of states in the quantum world. Although substantial technical progress toward this goal has been made over course of the last decade, the fidelities achieved in current experiments are insufficient for achieving high-precision quantum computation. Current simplistic control designs are incapable of protecting quantum information against environmentally induced decoherence and laboratory noise. To meet the demands of ultra-high fidelity information processing, PMC-AT is developing efficient design strategies capable of adaptive feedback.  PMC-AT is developing strategies for finding the most robust controls, and locating controls that achieve the desired logical operations in the smallest possible time. These are being combined with advanced statistical estimation strategies for obtaining the greatest amount of information about a quantum system through the smallest number of measurements.

Selected publications:

R. Wu, and R. Chakrabarti and H. Rabitz, Optimal control theory for continuous variable quantum gates. Phys. Rev. A 77, 052303 (2008).

R. Chakrabarti, R. Wu, J. Dominy and H. Rabitz, Computational complexity of quantum optimal control landscapes. In preparation (2008).